Credit Where Credit Is Due, Everybody Involved With This Massive YMCA Basketball Brawl Can Take A Punch

If I've said it once, I've said it at least 17 or 18 times before--anybody who gets into a legitimate fight at a men's league sporting event is a massive loser. Don't get me wrong, I love the feeling of that competitive fire just as much as the next guy. I get that when you're out there competing, it doesn't matter to you that you're playing a game that quite literally nobody else in the world gives a shit about. To you, it feels like the most important game in the world. So I understand the passion, I respect the competitiveness, but you're still a massive loser if you can't control yourself and actually get into a physical altercation. 

But it happens all the time. Men's league hockey, rec league basketball, pick up soccer in South America. We see fights like this happen all the time. So with that being the case....if fists are going to be flying and a brawl is going to break out anyway, at least you want to see a good scrap. And all things considered, these fellas put on a show. They also put on quite the crime scene, but that was a strong brawl. 

It was pretty difficult to figure out which side everyone was on, but this seemed to be as even of a matchup as they come. Everyone was throwing cheap shots, everyone was ganging up on someone else, yet everyone was able to handle themselves. There were at least 4 or 5 sucker punches thrown there that should have knocked someone out, but everyone just kept going. These guys could all take a punch. In some instances, they could even take a kick to the head. And just when you thought the fight was finally wrapping up, it got fired up again for a second act. 

While I certainly don't condone getting into an all-out brawl at your local YMCA over a pickup basketball game, I just have to call this one as I see it. It was a quality brawl. 

P.S. -- Glad my man over here assessed the situation and steered clear of jumping in at all. 

Quality business decision on his end.


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